HOA Benefits
Document Posting Any document can be posted on the HOA website. Board meeting
minutes, rules and regulations, CC&R documents. You name it. It can be posted
with a simple upload of a word document. And made available to all the homeowners.
Survey Section Post a question with several optional answers and the homeowners
can express their opinion. Easy to read graphs chart the results for the board to
Important Events At The Association Crime information, volunteer opportunities,
newsletters, upcoming events, calendar of events. All designed to keep association
members better informed.
Information On Local Vendors It's easy. Need local vendor services and don't
know whom to turn to? Just click on 'Services' button and get a list of vendors
by category. Lists their phone#, fax and email address.
Share Information With The Accounting Back-end Homeowners can enter work
order requests, sign up for automatic withdrawal from their checking account, look
up payment histories, change their mailing address, etc. Board members can review
all financial statements, including bankbook transactions and even the current month-to-date
income statement!